Who's Who
At Redeemer Church
Our Church Family
We are a relatively new church, 'planted' from Emmanuel Church Canterbury in 2020. We're a church family made up of a mix of people of different ages, stages, and backgrounds who live in Folkestone or the surrounding area of Kent. We’ve started small, but are growing, and would love to welcome you on a Sunday.

Our Church Leaders
At Redeemer, our church leaders (what the Bible calls Elders) oversee, lead, teach, and pastor the church under Christ.
Jonny Sutton
Glen Yorke
Jonny is the Pastor at Redeemer Church and lives in Folkestone with his family. Jonny was a drum teacher before training for ministry at Cornhill and Oak Hill College, where he was part of Christ Church Southampton and Spicer Street Church in St Albans. Before moving to Folkestone, Jonny was the Assistant Minister at Emmanuel Church Canterbury.
Glen is an Elder at Redeemer Church alongside Jonny and lives in Hythe with his family. Glen is Folkestone born-and-bred and works locally. Before Redeemer Church started, Glen was an Elder at Emmanuel Church Canterbury.
Our Children's Team Leader

Emma Sutton
Children's Team Leader
Emma leads the children's work at Redeemer, and loves teaching children about Jesus - the best person they could ever know! Emma helps resource and equip our amazing Explorers team on Sundays, as well as leading our popular summer Holiday Bible Club and other children's and family events.
If you'd like to know more please see our Families page. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
At Redeemer Church we take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. If you would like to see our Safeguarding Policy or Codes of Conduct, please do get in touch.
Sally Davey
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Rachel Yorke
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding, please do email us - safeguarding@redeemerfolkestone.org
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